We are celebrating fifty years of supplying you with trophies worth winning, and our abilities are limited only by your imagination. We will reproduce any sailplan in the world (or any artwork you supply) on our stainless steel products. We also engrave on our wide selection of traditional pewter, copper, brass and bronze trophies.
Your trophies will be of the highest quality, and delivered on time. Please contact us by email to place an order or call 800-341-0788 or +1-207-882-7873 (Monday-Friday, 9-5 ET). Every order is acknowledged and shipping charges are billed at actual rates - we do not mark up shipping. Please let us know if we can be of any assistance.
We are family-run, building customer relationships that extend through generations. Our mission is to deliver exceptional product design, quality and service to the customer ahead of time. Please contact us if we can be of any assistance, we want to hear what's on your mind.
Best regards,
Andy Correa